On my last anniversary biking date I looked over my shoulder and saw my wife at the time cross public rails at a shallow angle. I yelled over my shoulder to hit the tracks at a steeper angle. Nothing mean, just a simple statement to help keep her safe. At time my only goal for our dates was to not get in an argument because we could do that for free at home. She screamed back at me to stop telling her how to ride a bike. At the next intersection, a series of tracks came together making it tricky to navigate. I started to give her a heads up, but kept my mouth shut. She went over her bars and was almost run over by a car. She’s now my Ex! While I fully understand that there is a need for us men to be called out for talking down to women, or knowing it all, I also feel we are in this toxic and reactionary place where anytime we speak up, it’s looked upon as demeaning or mansplaining. My name is Ryan. I’m 46 and I don’t know it all. If you can do it better, know better, or I’m about to do something stupid—show me the way. I might not listen, but I won’t be offended.