First…Congrats. Second…Fuck Yeah! It’s a big deal to have a 67,000 word draft that reads beginning to end even if it will still need a lot of editing.
What’s the saying?
It should be called rewriting not writing.
Can you split the heavy shit up and sprinkle it in throughout book? The book doesn’t have to be chronological by any means.
When I finished my memoir, I hired a local editor to read it. She suggested I cut a shit load of irrelevant stuff and I ended up adding another 15,000 words. I also cut and pasted and moved stuff around to structure the book better. With fiction we’re stuck thinking of material. Memoir is the opposite.
I recently posted a piece on my memoir process because there’s often just too much junk to weed through and it’s hard structuring it all. Maybe my method could help you distribute the heavy stuff. Can you spare an entire wall at your place?